神学与事工学院 Professor 托马斯基金 makes a point during the October 19 book launch as co-editors Hosffman Ospino and 科琳格里菲思 look on. (安·赫尔墨斯摄)


Nine 神学与事工学院 faculty members contributed to the volume

A new book from faculty members in the 电子游戏软件神学与事工学院 offers a guide to the art of 神学 education from the perspective of formative education sensibilities and commitments. As described by co-editors Professor of the Practice of Theology 科琳格里菲思 and Associate Professor of Theology and Education Hosffman Ospino, formative 神学 education encompasses a spiritual vision that seeks to “encourage spiritual maturity, 有道德责任的生活, 在追求正义方面发挥领导作用.”

形成性神学教育 (Paulist Press) was officially launched at a recent campus celebration that marked the 神学与事工学院’s 15th anniversary and included remarks from STM Dean Michael 麦卡锡年代.J.以及教务长兼院长大卫·奎格利.

Celebrate the STM's 15th birthday with current STM students, esteemed alumni, and Dean Michael C. 麦卡锡年代.J. The event features nine STM faculty authors sharing their hopes for 形成性神学教育, 以及与科琳·M·克林顿(Colleen M .)合编的同名新书的发布. 格里菲斯和霍夫曼奥斯皮诺(保利斯出版社,2023年9月). 

推荐人:Michael C. 麦卡锡年代.J., 院长兼教授, 电子游戏软件神学与事工学院,  科琳格里菲思, 实践教授 of theology and 精神电子游戏正规平台学院主任 and Hosffman Ospino, 西班牙事工和宗教教育副教授, 宗教教育及牧灵部主任, 电子游戏软件神学与事工学院
小组成员:John F. Baldovin,年代.J.历史与礼仪神学教授安德鲁. 戴维斯, 旧约副教授, 托马斯基金, 神学和宗教教育教授, Callid Keefe-Perry, 语境教育和公共神学助理教授, 梅丽莎·凯利, 教牧关怀与咨询副教授, 理查德·伦男, 系统神学教授, 教会教职员的主席, 特蕾莎的. Oa Keefe, 实践教授, 宗教教育, 电子游戏软件神学与事工学院

神学院及事工教员(前排), 从左到右)霍夫曼·奥斯皮诺, 特里萨奥基夫, 梅丽莎·凯利, 安德鲁•戴维斯, (后排, (左至右)约翰·鲍德温, S.J.,托马斯·格鲁姆,科琳·格里菲斯,卡利德·基夫-佩里,和Fr. 理查德·莱南为这本新书贡献了章节. (安·赫尔墨斯摄)

电子游戏软件是形成性教育的领导者,格里菲思说, 精神电子游戏正规平台学院主任. “Hosffman and I felt the next step in BC's efforts to underscore formative education as central to its mission would be for individual disciplines to articulate what this vision means in their respective areas of study. 所以,我们开始提供一个形成性的表述 神学 教育是这样的.

“我们知道STM在这里做出了独特的贡献. The STM has a large 宗教教育 faculty of national and international repute, a group of women and men that thinks creatively about pedagogical strategies and has shown leadership in doing so. STM is a place that has much to offer in terms of a vision and approach that other 神学 educators might be able to lean into. 因为我们是神学院, 部, and faith-based service we think in practical terms about how very rich 神学 insights hit the ground, 它们是如何被挪用的, and how ministers and faith-based service leaders are able to sustain themselves in mission in changing seasons.”

“这本书是形成性神学教育的样本,奥斯皮诺说, 谁是STM宗教教育和牧养部的主任. “It doesn't exhaust the concept; there are many other aspects that could be and should be considered about formative 神学 education, but whoever is reading this book will be exposed to 10 of the best entry points into formative 神学 education. 我们很荣幸能在电子游戏软件听到这些声音.”

在新书发布会上, Griffith and Ospino spoke about their vision for the book and introduced the STM faculty members who wrote essays for 形成性神学教育. 除了格里菲斯和奥斯皮诺,撰稿人还有约翰·鲍德温,S.J.; 安德鲁•戴维斯; 托马斯基金; Callid Keefe-Perry; 梅丽莎·凯利; Fr. 理查德·伦男; and 特里萨奥基夫. Each contributing author shared an insight of how they understand and do formative 神学 education. 撰稿人南希·皮内达-马德里没有出席此次活动, 他曾是STM的教员,现在任教于洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学.

这本书分为三个部分. 在第一部分“讨论的基础”中,戴维斯、Griffith和Fr. Lennan address how Scripture and spiritual tradition encourage a particular “way of knowing” that undergirds formative 神学 education.

第二部分, “基本的承诺,的特写文章来自Groome, Ospino, 以及皮内达-马德里关于信仰形成的电子游戏正规平台, 文化语境的首要地位, 以正义的方式进行教育.

第三部分,“希望和结果”,包括来自弗朗索瓦的文章. Baldovin, Keefe-Perry, 凯利, and O’Keefe that address the importance of mentoring and imagination as well as fostering communities and resiliency.

形成性神学教育 主要是为了邀请大学里的神学教育者, 神学院, and high 学校 as well as religious educators who do adult faith formation in parishes to think more intentionally about what they do. “But there are certain things about this book that I think appeal to anybody who's in a formative role and is interested in moving with people into deeper spiritual realms,格里菲思说.

奥斯皮诺补充道:“在一所天主教大学, 不同的领域, 学校, and departments need to wrestle with the question of ‘What does it mean to do formative education?’ I think that this book is a must-read for anyone teaching in a Catholic institution or a faith-based university.”

“Even if another department did not want to engage in a conversation with theology per se,格里菲斯补充道, “everything that's said about formative education points in the direction of a spiritual vision. 这才是真正需要投入的.

“我们将神学作为我们的学科向前迈进, 但我们希望我们大学的每个部分都能做到这一点. 它要求我们作为教育者思考内容的选择, 该学科的实际相关性, 深思熟虑, and what you're going to make more dominant in the teaching/learning dynamic in and outside the classroom.”

“我们不能像生活在16世纪那样进行神学教育, 或者19世纪, 甚至是20世纪中期. 在21世纪, we need fresher approaches to 神学 education that are distinctly formative."

Ospino noted that the book comes at a time of immense change in the 神学 education landscape in the United States and across the world. 他引用了人口统计学, 社会, 文化, 技术变革, 宗教在社会中的角色也发生了变化, 天主教大学和天主教高中神学的未来, and the struggle of the institutional Church to remain credible and relevant among the younger generation.

“有一件事是明确的,”他说. “我们不能像生活在16世纪那样进行神学教育, or the 19th 世纪,甚至20世纪中期th 世纪. 在21世纪st 世纪, we need fresher approaches to 神学 education that are distinctly formative. 从天主教的角度来看, to assert that 神学 education is formative is to envision this important task as an exercise that mediates the richness of the Christian tradition that we received as believers while always remaining ready to respond to the questions and needs of God's people here and now.”

他继续说:“形成性的神学教育必须是深刻的教会教育, 先知, 上下文, 富有想象力的, 体现, 协作, and expansive in its understanding of the complexity of the human experience. 它必须包容各种声音, 文本, 以及受洗者和其他人的经历, 特别注意那些被边缘化的人, 忽略了, 或忘记. And it must be responsive to the needs and questions of humanity as we make meaning of our historical existence, 尊重共性和差异.

“所以在某种意义上, 这是一本打破神学教育观念的书, 改善和加强课堂上发生的事情, 但从更大的角度来看.”